Need an upgrade? Our L E G A C Y wrist strap featured on
Posted by Justin Waldinger onWe're excited to see the TAP & DYE L E G A C Y wrist strap makes the standout selection of camera straps in's lineup! Check it out.
Gear Review: Travis and Eva Photography review our wrist strap with high praise!
Posted by Justin Waldinger onTravis Rock, one half of the dynamic duo that is Travis & Eva Photography, graciously reviewed our L E G A C Y wrist strap attached to his beloved sexy Fuji X-Pro 1. Check out the full review here:
Review Recap: Our wrist strap gets the official blessing of the Phoblographer!
Posted by Justin Waldinger onWe had the privilege of getting our L E G A C Y wrist strap reviewed courtesy of the Phoblographer. If your looking for a great leather camera strap for Olympus OMD then look no further!